Another ToHellUride ski season in the books, coulda been worse…
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Once again the StOmprZ came out of the woodwork and this year was the first FBC where it didn’t snow. Turns out, we can still have plenty of fun. We got up on the hill and slid on the snow, showed the stomprz an old mine shaft we all fit into, smelled kinda funny when we left but the claustrophobics among us were cured (?) and the descent was pretty sweet. Our picnic was skied into the yurt, which it turned out the ski company didn’t really appreciate, maybe in the future. There… went above and beyond with amazing additions for our ramen surprise that took everyone to the next level while we were up there. The Chip Peddler was in the house and he made a strong showing making it to the yurt just before we did. Thanks to the King Cage contingent for hooking up some sweet schwag that was well received. Old Man Mountain also once again made someone’s day; Blake this time, who spent the whole ride cursing the backpack on his back while everyone else carried their gear on OMM racks. Bread from Durango sent it up and helped keep the gluten intake high. Bootdoctors Paragon made Mitch’s bike big with a donated Surly Bud 4.8 which really tied the room together. And last but certainly not least, Rich from Crater packs brought a full velcro frame pack for the prize pile and now NiRad need not fuck with zippers. All in all it was once again a great success, many people completed teh challenge who might not have thought they had it in them and hopefully next year we’ll be welcomed at the jumps! . . see you in Silverton for the Whiteout!
Long story short, Scott is a ST0MPR and as such he’s been touring offroad from Alaska south for the last six month’s, got ahold of me through warm showers for couch surfing bike tourers and came through tellyride, did a big ol sweet ride and managed to reconnect to join us for turkey week and do the flight of the pigs, here are some shots of his. .
What a glorious tradition! The day after Turkey Day 85 people weighed in for the 19th annual Flight of the Pigs at Jim Wilcox in Phoenix. We proceded to ST0Mp the shite out of a glorious amount of singletrack in the PHX area, and I was able to ride with some super fasty’z ‘cuz the ride kept regrouping, unlike a race where I’d have never seen them again. .anyhow, hope to be back next year!
You’ve heard the story, fat bikes R DUmB and for the last 3 years the ToHellUride FatBike Challenge has brought forth great powdery glory from the heaven’s right on cue, much to my chagrin. Anywho, this year, in the process of scheduling for January pow, Young Juan Bailey himself divulged the February 7th date of the inaugural SIlverton Snow bike relay- something about a 10 hour relay on an hour long track around silverton with the HQ in the imperial hotel. . Anyway, I told him STomparillaZ would be there and we’d push the FatBike Challenge to Jan 17th where we’ll coincide with the inaugural Telluride Fire Festival. We’ll try not to catch ablaze Friday night, spend saturday shooshing and commence the 4th T0HellUride FATBIKECHALLENGE promptly at the crack of 4:20 Saturday afternoon, giving everyone ample time to ski bell to bell before riding. The ride will continue through the darkness and you are responsible for self supported evening long ride supplies, think warm, well lit, and happy . . see 45north for details. . more details stomparillaz at gmail, yer pal SLappy